A series of trans-seasonal, made to MANIFESTO capsule collections exploring the themes and redemptive power of CRISIS.


In a crisis we may cling to the familiar. Unready to let go of the old form we may adore the traditional, that which signals order and the safety of known hierarchies. In a crisis structures not build to endure the conditions of change may collapse. Allegiances shift. Things may accelerate, or slow to nothing. In a crisis we are forced to adapt. In a crisis we may start to recognise the true value of our resources, in scarcity their utility multiplied. In a crisis we may recognise who we no longer are, what no longer works. In a crisis our dreams may crumble and force us to consider the virtue of what remains. In a crisis we may finally move forward realising nothing remains to secure us. After a crisis we may no longer recognise ourselves. After a crisis, if we survive, we may feel liberated and powerful. After a crisis we may look back critically at our previous comforts. After a crisis we may wonder what held us back for so long.


1. A time of intense difficulty or danger.
1.1 A time when a difficult or important decision must be made.
1.2 The turning point of a disease when an important change takes place, indicating either recovery or death.

Origin: From Greek krisis ‘decision’ from krinein ‘decide’



  1. Garments to be a response to and visual essay on, questions arising from the stages of crisis.

  2. Use only what is already owned (energy, resources, reserves), or can be scavenged, exchanged or paid minimally for.

  3. Gather, source, scavenge within a strict local radius of your work/space, to a maximum of 10 miles for further fabric sourcing/manufacture.

  4. Use only remnant, end of line fabrics or locally available basic make materials.

  5. For purchased materials, donate or sell the equivalent as an act of exchange.

  6. Re-assign garments – your own, your own labels, other people’s.

  7. Regenerate the discarded, utilise the unusable.

  8. Make garments for no particular season, disregard recognised industry deadlines for your output.

  9. Use garment gender only as formal historical reference, as you would in your own wardrobe.

  10. Upon completion, totally change your work and life practices. Break all habitual modes. Move house, move city, consider a new country altogether. Maybe even change your name.